The Syllabus:

  • The understanding of what constitutes a good picture.
  • Training on the way of seeing and the narrative skill in photography.
  • In-depth Composition Technique – Seeing it through Visual Balance.
  • The Visual Balance Study.
  • In-depth tips on Storytelling.
  • Hands-on/Practical sessions.
  • Working on Series.
  • Analytic critiques of Students’ works.


“Look and think before opening the shutter. The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera…”

 “Of what use are lens and light to those who lack in mind and sight?” 

“You can find pictures anywhere. It’s simply a matter of noticing things and organizing them…”

Reading through the above quotations by some Master photographers of the past, one would notice that what prevent us from getting better pictures in photography goes beyond technique and equipment.

What makes photography different from other art forms is Photograph is simply about incorporate the right subjects into a chosen frame that is pleasing to the eyes yet evokes viewer’s emotion with a narrative component.

But how to do it?

That’s what you will learn from these 4 in-house lessons & 3 Practical lessons course.

Adam’s Advanced Class is designed for those who possess certain knowledge in camera & photographic techniques but wish to explore it further and make good/high-quality pictures in Photography Art.

In this course Adam designs various techniques to train the students into Seeing, Observing, narrative skill (storytelling), developing of creativity & Total Comprehension of what lies behind a good image.

The 3 practical sessions are specifically designed for some reasons:

  • 2 sessions will be conducted in the streets of  KL & Klang respectively, a metropolitan city & an old authentic town, the different environment & atmosphere will bring variations to the learning.
  • The 3rd session will be conducted in an old traditional Coffee Mill where the students will learn to practice how to work on Series/theme in photography.
  • Adam will guide you on how to look for topics to work on. How to caption the series. How to examine and ponder it from a more delicate angle with the unifying similar, yet non-identical elements. 
  • What makes series essential is it makes us more focused, more disciplined, more observant and more imaginative.

The Syllabus:

  • The understanding of what constitutes a good picture.
  • Training on the way of seeing and the narrative skill in photography.
  • In-depth Composition Technique – Seeing it through Visual Balance.
  • The Visual Balance Study.
  • In-depth tips on Storytelling.
  • Hands-on/Practical sessions.
  • Working on Series.
  • Analytic critiques of Students’ works.

Why Adam?

Regarding Adam Tan:

The winner of one of the most prestigious photography awards – National Geographic Magazine, conferred First Place in “Places” category in its 2013 International Contest, almost the highest honour. So shall this be the most direct introduction to Adam Tan. 

  • Adam is passionate, creative, filled with inquisitive awe and zeal for photography. A champion and lover of photography art, he possesses such vivid imagination and excellent interpretative skill and yet an earnest and devoted friend and teacher. One who believes success comes with intense longing, fervent love, teachability, perseverance and humility.
  • Adam is passionately in love with photography and had been doing this for the past 20 years. He has an ability to discern the special, the significance out of the ordinary with his unique sight and capture it through his masterful skill and narrative. However, Adam’s higher purpose is to impart and transfer this passion to others. He establishes photography classes, workshop and sharing fellowship and leads travel trips and etc with the single-minded devotion to teach this art to his students. Each year, many of his students participated in contests and earned awards and mentions from all over the world.
  • He shares his philosophy openly and his techniques unreservedly. His perception and interpretation, his invention and creative skill are of the highest standard. He compressed all these into a series of courses to allow quick comprehension of theory and easy mastery of techniques.
  • “This is probably my widest dream came true”, said Adam, when he learned that his work has been selected as the winner in National Geographic Photography Contest in 2013. But now, he may be the one to lead you to the land of your dream…

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Adam Tan Photography Academy Team
+6019-269 6003

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