What you will learn:
- Practical sessions on shooting Slow shutter speed photography such as Stream/waterfall, and the light trail.
- Understanding Lenses in a much deeper perspective, A guidance on how to delve into the subtle side of lenses and apply them creatively.
- In-depth study in Depth of field.
- Understand what Camera sees differ from human eyes. The training of how to see like a camera, and how to deal with the defect it creates.
- Understand Ambient/Lighting: The ambient is a key element that makes great photography but often being overlooked.
- How to observe and detect it and utilize it in our photography.
- In-depth M-mode & Low light Photography study (Cityscape & night photography such as milky way & star trail photography).
- Technical aspects such as M-focusing, calculation on the time of exposure & gears required.
- A Complete Theory of what constitutes a good picture:
- How to produce eye-pleasing, creative pictures, and tell a powerful story.
- The development & practice of Seeing-eye & creative mind.
Intermediate Photography Course – Bringing your Level to another Level
Lesson 1
- Understand of Art of Seeing in photography ~ in Landscape & Cityscape
- The Clue of making good Landscape Photography.
- How to shoot stream/Waterfall (The technical aspect & artistry aspect).
- Composition tips on Stream & Landscape photography.
- Understanding Gears & calculation of time exposure in Low light Photography
- Why & How on the use of filters and tripod.
Lesson 2
- How to shoot Cityscape & Light trail night photography (The technical aspect & artistry aspect).
- Composition tips on Cityscape Photography.
- Understand What our eyes see & camera See are different & how to deal with it.
Lesson 3
- Practical session on Cityscape light trail night photography
Lesson 4
- Practical session on stream photography/Waterfall.
Lesson 5
- Reviewing of participants’ works for Practical 1 & 2. (1 1/2 hours)
Lesson 6
- In-depth study on M-mode & Low light/ By handheld
- Composition tips on Night/Low light Street photography with a hand-held.
- How to produce eye-pleasing, creative pictures, and tell a powerful story.
Lesson 7
- Practical session on Night/Low light Street photography.
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